Sunday, March 26, 2006

We made it!

Well, Jenna and I have safely arrived to what we will be calling home for the next year in Golfito, Costa Rica. Actually we are about 8 Km. out of town in a little community called La Mona. This thriving metropolis consists of a bus stop, a few ma-pa bars, a store the size of a closet, wild dogs, a few hundred people, and one town thief (Pelon). Pelon has become quite the friend of Las Manos Lodge (our new home), coming and going as he pleases, taking what he needs and what he thinks we don't need; such as the clock in the kitchen, flip flops, light bulbs, you know--the stuff worth stealing. I think with the persuasion of a taller wall lined with 220 volts, Jenna and I will be able to keep the kids here safe and make sure that we make it out of here with our tooth brushes.
Actually, this place is awesome. If you think about it, life without Pelon would almost be too good.
So, Jenna and I are now the proud new parents of 8, count them, 8 kids: Steven, Vanessa, Paulette, Jose Manuel, Anthony, Gloria, Liceth, and Wendy. Steven, 17, is a Guaymi Indian and our only true orphan. He is a shy and soft-spoken kid who is great doing yard work and doubles as our night guard--my new best friend.
Vanessa, who is 15, stands not an inch over 4 feet but has the will power of a pit bull. Graham and Candice, who we are replacing, nick named her "The Barker," because she really doesn't have a nice way of saying anything.
Paulette (12), Jose Manuel (7), and Anthony (18 months), are all brothers and sister. Their mom wasn’t able to support them, so she gave them to the government for 6 months while she moved to San Jose to make some money. This is my first experience being able to see a 12 year old take on the role as the head of the family. She washes her baby brother, brushes both of their teeth, and helps put them to bed. Not to mention all of the emotional tasks of being a 12 year old and having to support these boys. It’s amazing. Jose Manuel is our ADD kid. I think it took Jenna 2 hours yesterday to get him to write his name. Anthony is asleep on the couch next to me as I write this email…I call it multi-tasking.
Next, we’ve got Gloria (7), Liceth (4), and Wendy (2). These girls are my favorite. Gloria takes on the shrunken role of Paulette; acting as a mother when she should have the freedom to act like a 7 year old. Liceth is a four-year-old version of me, except she hides behind her “shy shell” until she gets to know you. I think it’s her laugh that captures my heart most of all. Ahhh, and then Wendy…the split personality two year old who can steal your soul with an innocent smile looking over her shoulder and then for no cause starts stomping her feet, falls to her butt, undoes her right sandal, and pulls her hair ties out, all the while screaming. She is still the cutest little girl I’ve ever seen.
Along with the most beautiful children, we have a collection of flora and fauna that most people will only see on a post card or on the Discovery channel. It is gorgeous! Coconut trees, palm trees, banana trees, mango trees, avocado trees, lime trees, papaya trees, star fruit trees, and a whole bunch of other trees that produce fruit I can’t yet pronounce but know tastes good. The mornings are christened with a bright sun and the sweet smell of flowers. (I’d ramble those off for ya but I don’t know what they are) We get up at 5:45 every morning and walk up to the kitchen where a hot cup of fresh Costa Rican coffee awaits us. The birds are singing, babies are crying, sun is beating, and all I can say is “Pura Vida”—“pure life”.
We are having a wonderful time hanging out with our friends Graham and Candice, who leave next Monday, and getting acquainted with our new home. Once they are gone it will just be the two of us and the kids. The children are a blessing in our lives and we look forward to who we will add into our family here at Algo Mas.
We love you and miss you all,
Tad and Jenna

Friday, February 17, 2006

One Month Till We leave

The countdown has begun...Costa Rica or Bust